Uncategorized – collision8.com http://www.collision8.com Dissertation Writing & Organization and Time Management Tips Tue, 12 Sep 2023 15:48:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.7.3 http://www.collision8.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/996/2022/04/cropped-fav-1-32x32.png Uncategorized – collision8.com http://www.collision8.com 32 32 Best Tips on How to Write Research Methodology in Dissertation http://www.collision8.com/dissertation-methodology.html http://www.collision8.com/dissertation-methodology.html#respond Wed, 30 Nov 2022 11:11:29 +0000 http://www.collision8.com/?p=74 Methodology in dissertation is that aspect of a dissertation that explains how data is gathered and analyzed. This part of dissertation writing is very important because the work will not be understood if it is not properly done. Properly handling this aspect will bring out the results and clarify your contribution.

Your methodology dissertation structure will usually depend on the type of analysis you’re doing. There are three types of methodology; these include quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methodology.

How to write research methodology in dissertation

Many students spend sleepless nights preparing their heads around how to write a dissertation methodology. As critical as this aspect is, it is not so difficult to do once you get the right guide. Here are some tips that can help when writing a methodology for dissertation:

1. State the research problem

When writing your research methodology, it is good you state your research problem again. This helps the reader get a clear link between your research methodology and the gap that you hope to fill. The reader can follow your line of thought even as you analyze your work.

2. Explain your approach

An approach to methodology is not just chosen; there must be a rationale behind it. When writing your research methodology, you need to explain why you chose that methodology. It is important to state your research questions and why the selected methodology is the best.

Dissertation methodology examples and the approaches used can be found online. You need to justify your approach and explain if there are other approaches to that research. You also need to explain the criteria used in your choice of approach.

3. Share your data collection method

The method of data collection is very important in writing a research methodology. Some research may need to be replicated. Explaining how you collected your data helps a future researcher in his or her research. When writing your research methodology, you must explain the research collection method.

If you are using quantitative research, be descriptive. Describe in detail so that another person who wants to conduct similar research can replicate your work. If you are using a questionnaire, you need to explain what type of scaling you used, the kind of questions, and so on. Using quantitative analysis, you must explain the criteria you used to select your data sample.

4. Clarify your method of analysis

Stating the method of analysis is necessary for methodology writing. If you’re doing a quantitative analysis, you need to state the kind of analysis you did. Also, explain the software you used and the statistical test carried out.

If you are carrying out a quantitative analysis, you need to explain if you did a content analysis, thematic or discourse analysis. If you are using a novel methodology, you need to explain it in detail and give reasons for your choice. You also need to highlight its usefulness and further ways that methodology could be employed in research.

This gives the reader a picture of what to expect in the research. However, you need to be careful not to go into the discussion of results at this point. If you have used the model in your analysis, you need to explain the model.

5. Justify your approach

When discussing the methodology section in your dissertation, you need to justify your approach. This is especially so if there are better ways that research could have been done. You need to explain why you have chosen that approach and why it is the most suitable. Don’t try to cover the weaknesses of your approach. Rather, explain how the strengths outweigh the weaknesses.

6. Be mindful of your research questions

Research methodology dissertation should never be done in isolation from the research questions. While discussing your methodology, you need to align your methodology to your research questions and objectives.

You need to clearly show how your methodology has been able to answer the research questions. Demonstrate that the methodology of your choice has been able to meet the purpose of the research.

7. State problems and solutions

If you encounter any issues in gathering data, you need to state this in your methodology. If you do not, you might have to answer many questions while presenting your paper. You could also suggest possible solutions to the problems you encountered while conducting the research. Stating the problems will help the reader relate better to what you have done.


The research methodology section of a dissertation can be an issue if not properly handled. The best way to go at it is to take note of each step you take even as you carry out the research. You can always consult us to get a methodology for dissertation example.

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Education Dissertation Writing Guide & 30 Researchable Topics http://www.collision8.com/education-dissertation.html http://www.collision8.com/education-dissertation.html#respond Wed, 30 Nov 2022 11:11:11 +0000 http://www.collision8.com/?p=73 An education dissertation is required for a higher institution’s degree in education. It is what shows that you have completed your course and you have learned. This is your avenue to practicalize what you have been taught throughout your university years. It also shows that you have been able to build independent research skills.

This article aims to give you education dissertation ideas. However, before giving topic ideas, it is necessary to mention that there is an acceptable length for a dissertation.

How long is a dissertation in education?

The length of a dissertation in education depends on the country, the course, and the level of study. It also depends on the institution. This article gives a general guide on how long is a dissertation in education, but you need to find out what obtains in your institution.

A dissertation could be between 10,000 and 12000 words at the undergraduate level. At the Master’s level, a dissertation is expected to be around 15,000 and 25,000 words. For a Ph.D., 50,000 words and above is expected.

Having said this, what are the steps to take when writing a dissertation in education?

  • Carefully select a topic

Many students need to learn how to choose a dissertation topic in education. Any topic you are choosing should be something you are interested in. It would help if you did not choose a topic you have no passion for because you will get stuck. You should have also conducted some background research to be sure that the topic can get enough data.

  • Have a goal

Every research has a purpose and objective. You must know how to write good research questions for your education dissertation before you can research. The research question usually gives a clear picture of the goals and objectives of the research. It should never be handled with levity because it anchors the whole research.

How to select dissertation topics education

When choosing your topic, you must also pay attention to its relevance. Don’t pick a topic that has no relevance to present issues in education or that can easily lose relevance. Your topic should also have significance scientifically. Another thing to consider is the practicability of the work and the structure of the dissertation. This article gives possible dissertation topic ideas in education.

Best topics for dissertation in education

There are many topics for a dissertation, and a list of the top topics you could consider includes:

  1. The internet’s effect on students’ social behavior.
  2. Use virtual reality technology in the pedagogical assessment of students.
  3. Unlawful behavior in high school students and pedagogical conditions for prevention.
  4. Differentiated approach to small group interaction processes among students.
  5. Fostering value-based behavior to health among students: a result of a parent-teacher partnership.
  6. Positive interpersonal relations and prevention of younger students’ harassment in educational institutions.
  7. Challenges in early childhood to mandatory school environment transitioning.

Interesting education dissertation topics you can write on

One ingredient a dissertation should have is applicability. The topics below are related to real-life issues and can be interesting:

  1. Public schools and street-smartness development among children and teenagers.
  2. Sports in public schools: mandatory or optional?
  3. Should special schools be public to benefit society more?
  4. A decline in public schools: causes and possible solutions.
  5. The relationship between healthy eating and the introduction of food technology courses in public schools.
  6. 21st Century children’s books and the teaching of gender norms.
  7. What leads to initial anxiety about sending children to preschool parents?

Dissertation topics in higher education for students

The level of education you are attaining is important when writing dissertation topics education. Some possible topics for a higher education degree are listed below:

  1. The enhancement of cultural underpinnings for conventional university education.
  2. Time management and the development of motivation for self-education among students.
  3. The part of social activities in developing motivation for self-education among law students.
  4. Scientific library in universities: a tool in motivation for self-education among students.
  5. Interactive means of developing motivation in foreign language learning among non-core area students.
  6. Teachers’ motivation and advancement to leadership positions in schools.
  7. Accepted etiquette for online learning among students and teachers.
  8. How to thrive as a student who chooses online lessons over physical classes.

What are fascinating dissertation topics in education you can choose from?

There are areas generally that could be of interest to an educator, and some of the interesting ones include:

  1. The perceived value of a university degree among experienced educators.
  2. Teachers’ perceived opportunities and hindrances to learning among less privileged students.
  3. Challenges faced by male educators in their first five years of teaching.
  4. How a thriving educational sector can impact the global economy.
  5. The role of reflection and popular reflective strategies in education.
  6. Differences between the learning style of introverts and extroverts.
  7. Advantages and drawbacks of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation strategies.
  8. The best age to introduce children to educational technologies.


Writing a dissertation is not for the faint-hearted. It takes determination, persistence, and hard work. There are education dissertation examples online and offline that you can consult. You could get a sample from your institution and study it to make your work easier.

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Helpful Hints for Writing a Dissertation Prospectus http://www.collision8.com/dissertation-prospectus.html http://www.collision8.com/dissertation-prospectus.html#respond Wed, 30 Nov 2022 11:10:23 +0000 http://www.collision8.com/?p=75 Generally, a prospectus is a plan you have put together for the study you want to explore in your dissertation. Using a sample dissertation prospectus of previous work in the same field could help create your own. A prospectus describes the problems you want to solve, the significance of the problem, a question you would want to ask concerning the problem, and the styles employed in solving that problem.

On the other hand, a dissertation is the main body of the study where all the work is reflected. For many, it is easier to write a dissertation, so why use a dissertation prospectus? Well, a prospectus is important for a dissertation because it is first presented to the committee or advisor in charge of your dissertation. It shows them the direction you would like to go in putting together your dissertation. This will give room for advice on what is feasible to research.

Creating a dissertation prospectus may seem like a difficult path to tread. This is because many presume that a dissertation prospectus is the condensed interpretation of the dissertation itself. This is relatively untrue because a prospectus is a proposal for your dissertation. The importance of the prospectus in a dissertation is that it gives it a path to tow. In the process of writing the dissertation, the plans outlined in the prospectus may become modified. Anyhow, a well-detailed prospectus will yield an excellent dissertation.

Dissertation prospectus outline

1. The topic of the study and aims

Before doing a dissertation, a topic or area that interests you in your field should already exist. In stating the study, you should move from general to specific. For instance, if your topic is the effect of drugs on mental health, a specific topic that will make the dissertation feasible can be drawn. A dissertation prospectus example of a specific topic is the effects of drug use on the performance of university students in the examination.

A broad topic makes it delicate to explore and present a viable dissertation. Finding a niche makes it easier to answer the questions that will arise. It also helps the dissertation to proffer a solution to the problems stated. The dissertation prospectus also needs to include the aims of the study, which are the points demanded to be proven in the dissertation should be added.

2. Presentation of research using existing literature

Background research should be made to create a prospectus for your dissertation. This is to give you some security regarding the future of your dissertation. There may be loopholes found in previous studies that may pique your interest and raise problems to which you might want to find answers. The answers provided will, in turn, contribute to the field your dissertation is from.

Making research using previous literature concerning the topic of your dissertation helps to give insight into the possibilities of new results on the topic chosen. This also points to the method of data collection that is best for the dissertation.

3. Proposed research methodology

Data collection is an important aspect of prospectus creation because it is the part that shows the originality of the work. A topic will be accepted if there is a possibility of data collection that is adequate for the dissertation’s success.

There are several ways of data collection for students who want to write a dissertation, and the method chosen should be included in the prospectus. It could be through observation, sampling, journals, and oral histories. Any or some of the methods applied should be indicated in the prospectus. In doing so, advice on the best data collection method could be given.

4. An outline of the expected result

In a dissertation prospectus, the study’s implication needs to be indicated. The relevance of the study to the field, in general, is reflected in this part of the prospectus. You need to give a detailed outline of your expected result in clearly defined points that show that your research is not empty.

5. The bibliography

This is usually the final part, containing the primary and secondary sources used in creating the prospectus. This needs to be stated in it, and every detail provided here must be verified.


Having a dissertation prospectus guide helps create a proposal that covers the plans laid down for your dissertation. Also, remember that the prospectus should be written in the future tense because the dissertation still needs to be written.

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Smart Guide to Writing a Thesis Paper for College http://www.collision8.com/college-thesis-paper.html http://www.collision8.com/college-thesis-paper.html#respond Tue, 19 Apr 2022 18:46:20 +0000 http://www.collision8.com/?p=44 College life entails writing different academic papers. Among the significant papers is the college thesis paper. Although some students assume such papers are complex, the only way to write such papers successfully is by reading through the guidelines, understanding the basics, and doing relevant research related to the subject matter. But before we evaluate the best tips to help you write such papers, let us explain what a college thesis paper is.

What is a college thesis paper?

Since there are many academic papers with slight differences, it is significant to understand the weight of each paper. Do not assume the fact that you have written some essays; you can as well craft a perfect college thesis paper. You need to know the details to include in such a paper and how to format it. Also, you should know the appropriate length for such papers to stay within the institute’s guidelines.

Also known as a college paper, thesis paper for college shows how a student has been performing throughout the coursework. It can be of any subject, depending on the field the student specializes in. If you are almost writing a dissertation, then the following tips will enhance you to perform incredibly.

Top tips to help you craft an outstanding thesis paper college

1. Go through college thesis paper examples

The easiest way to improve your understanding of a college thesis paper is by reading related materials to understand how other experts have performed in such academic papers. In this situation RankMyService.com can come in handy. Such examples enable you to understand the structure, the format, the wording, and the citing of a dissertation better. Besides, you familiarize yourself with the common fonts, size, margins, and how to put tiles and sub-headings.

2. Know how long is a college thesis paper

As far as the academic concept is concerned, such papers require a specified word count. You should know the number of pages based on page layout and the font size. Also, know the required number of words to include in such a paper. While awarding the marks, professors always check how consistent you have been and if you have followed the guidelines. The reasons for putting a word limit are because too much information can make a student write irrelevant content. On the other hand, less information may make the student omit relevant content, which must be part of the paper.

3. Read materials explaining how to write a college thesis paper

Reading is a powerful way of getting information about something. Experts have written such articles explaining what a thesis paper college entails. Get such materials from online platforms or in the library. However, be keen on online resources to ensure the content you are reading is relevant to a college thesis paper.

4. Discuss what is a thesis paper in college with fellow students

Sometimes, go overboard and bring other students with similar academic interests to discuss several ideas. In this case, the eye is on the thesis paper college. While discussing, exchange different ideas as you ask relevant questions related to the matter. Also, remember to take some referent notes to refer to later when feeling stuck at some point.

5. Practice writing a thesis paper for college

One of the perfect ways to master something is through consistent practice. While scheduling your activities, set aside some time specifically for writing a thesis paper for college. Embrace different topics to boost your understanding. Also, don’t forget to give a third party to check for possible errors as you correct them. A third party can be your professor or an expert student who understands such academic papers well. Otherwise, with time, you will notice a big improvement to the extent that you can easily write the paper without referring to other sources every now and then.


As a student, if you want to make writing academic papers a smooth task, embrace the idea of reading, practicing, and discussing with others. Otherwise, take any academic paper, including the college thesis paper, as it contributes a lot to your academic achievements.

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List of Outstanding MBA Dissertation Topic Ideas http://www.collision8.com/mba-dissertation-ideas.html http://www.collision8.com/mba-dissertation-ideas.html#respond Tue, 19 Apr 2022 18:46:14 +0000 http://www.collision8.com/?p=45 The MBA degree is the most widely recognized business management degree in the world. The journey to a successful MBA qualification is not without its challenges. To earn the degree, students must be committed to completing assignments, passing examinations, and fulfilling the mini dissertation requirements. Mini dissertations are an integral part of your MBA. They require the greatest amount of time and effort. When you embark on this daunting task, the most important thing is to create a plan and structure your actions.

What is MBA dissertation?

MBA Dissertation’s purpose is to distill all the information you have gained from each course into one long project. A dissertation is a written proof that you have learned the material well enough to be able to write about it at a higher academic level.

MBA students must be sensitive to the themes within the MBA modules. It is important to be aware of potential dissertation topics from the beginning of your MBA. Begin to research topics that interest you personally and are interesting in the idea of possible areas for your research. It is crucial to prepare for the topic and to engage with it before you start writing your dissertation.

One of the reasons you chose to study MBA is to improve your career prospects. It is now time to come up with MBA dissertation ideas that will make your dissertation stand out and increase your chances of getting your degree. Although it is difficult to develop these ideas, it can be very enjoyable if you have the right support. No more are the days when students had to wander from one library to another trying to find ideas for their academic papers.

The internet has made things easier. Online research can help students find ideas for paper topics. MBA dissertation writers are available to assist them with the actual writing. Let’s start with ideas before we get to the writing.

Strong topic ideas for MBA dissertation

  1. The impact of the banking industry on economic growth
  1. Analyse of some of the global stock exchange integration strategies
  1. Communication between company management and investors can be broken
  1. Evaluation of the effect of leadership performance
  1. Common issues in business organization culture
  1. How to manage innovation in firms – The future Making a choice between investment strategies
  1. Analyse of the effectiveness margin financing in certain locations
  1. Proper allocation of assets between bonds and stocks
  1. Current trends in the UK regarding the relationship between adverts and consumer behavior
  1. Online animated advertising has a significant impact on consumer purchasing behavior
  1. Information systems that are effective for job task management
  1. Comparison of IT outsourcing destinations in Asia and Eastern Europe
  1. Comparative analysis of direct and creative marketing
  1. Understanding the global outsourcing trends
  1. Entrepreneurship is a great success
  1. Assessment of the best HR practices to improve employee engagement
  1. Strategies to maintain customer satisfaction and trust in electronic shopping

This list of MBA dissertation topics should help you find one or more ideas to use in your dissertation. If you’re not able find the topic you love, there are other options available to you as a student. Students can also generate ideas with the help of a reliable MBA dissertation writing services available online.

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Writing a Dissertation Abstract: The Key Steps http://www.collision8.com/dissertation-abstract.html http://www.collision8.com/dissertation-abstract.html#respond Thu, 07 Apr 2022 14:41:27 +0000 http://www.collision8.com/?p=27 Writing a dissertation involves different steps. For instance, a dissertation abstract is part of the dissertation, which entails a summary of a whole dissertation. The aim of the abstract is to report the results of the research and to simplify the reader’s understanding of what the paper is all about. You will need to write the abstract at the end of your research paper. The abstract should have the following structure: an introduction, aim & objectives, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion.

Note: Although the abstract is the first section of the dissertation, it is the last section you write after finishing the dissertation because you need to include the summary of everything covered in the paper.

What is a dissertation abstract?

Before you start writing a dissertation abstract, always ensure you know what the academic paper you are handling entails. Know the wordings to use, the content to include, and the appropriate structure. Once you have a better understanding of the dissertation abstract, you can now move on to the next step.

Top tips to help you craft the best dissertation abstract

While you may struggle to come up with a perfect dissertation abstract, the following tips will simplify the work for you and enable you to write a well-structured dissertation abstract.

1. Discuss an abstract of PhD dissertation with your teacher

Understanding an abstract of PhD dissertation is a perfect way to start understanding the details you need to include in your abstract. What is even best is approaching your professor for advanced discussion. Remember to take reference notes to recheck later when you want to understand a given aspect.

2. Go through a dissertation abstract example

While in school, make your free time worth the moments. Try and research the already written sample dissertation abstract. You can get all these samples from online platforms and the library. Take note while using resources from online platforms because some aren’t credible sources and may mislead you into using the wrong content in your abstract.

3. Write down tips to help you on how to write a dissertation abstract

Sometimes, writing down tips to revise later is the perfect way of mastering the art of crafting a dissertation abstract. When researching for videos online, and discussing with friends or teachers matters concerning writing a dissertation abstract, always note relevant points so that you can recheck when you want to confirm or verify some information.

4. Practice writing a dissertation abstract

One aspect of mastering the art of writing the best academic papers is through practicing. While planning your schedule and activities, set some time aside for writing personal academic work as a way of mastering the dissertation abstract’s format and details. With time, you will realize you don’t struggle to put the content together and bring out an incredible abstract.

Note: It could be ideal if you revise the work for practicing with another student or even a teacher. This way, you will be able to correct some errors, if any, and you will master writing such papers without errors.

5. Know the significance of writing an incredible abstract of PhD dissertation

After you have understood the content required to make a dissertation and the appropriate formula, that isn’t all. You need the driving force as to why you are doing such a paper. So, ask yourself, why do I need to write a dissertation abstract? Once you realize it contributes to your academic excellence, you will have an inner motivation towards doing your best.

6. Write a dissertation abstract template for easy reference

One of the best ways to ease the process of writing a dissertation abstract is by writing a template to follow. This way, you will include all the relevant information in a clear manner and not miss the point or a section. Besides, a template enables you to arrange ideas to flow as required, according to the professor’s guidelines.


Academic work requires students to pay extra attention to bring out the desired results. Each paper is equally important because tutors use such information to weigh the understanding of a student. When writing a dissertation abstract, pay attention to the above details to ensure you stay on the right lane as required by the tutors.

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Dissertation Research Proposal Writing Guide http://www.collision8.com/dissertation-research-proposal.html http://www.collision8.com/dissertation-research-proposal.html#respond Thu, 07 Apr 2022 14:39:10 +0000 http://www.collision8.com/?p=25 Research proposals are a very important document that will help you to build your candidature. It is a summary of your research project.

A research proposal is typically written as part your dissertation or research paper. It can be submitted separately or before your dissertation. Here are some reasons why you need to know how to write research proposals.

Why is a research proposal important?

Your success in academia and the outside world depends on your research proposal. Why? Well, it may be necessary to include it in your grant application.

It is important to learn how to create a grant proposal for research grants. There will be fierce competition from students working towards the same goal as you. The sooner you learn how to write a research proposal, then the better your chances of succeeding. A good research proposal should:

  • Show how the proposed project will result in a significant wealth of knowledge once implemented.
  • Be inclusive of a plan which includes the methodological and theoretical framework you will use to implement it.
  • Convince the stakeholders the research will be completed within the required timeframe as well as using the available resources.
  • Prove that you have adequate knowledge and experience on the project.

How to write a proposal for a research paper

Let’s now discuss the essence of a research proposal. No matter if you’re applying for a PhD or Master’s program, your proposal should follow these guidelines:

Title Page

Your research proposal, just like your dissertation should, have a concise and clear title that describes your project. Your name, your supervisor’s name, and your institution or department should be included on the title page. You can always modify the title of your proposed research after you have been accepted.


An abstract is a brief description of your project. This is an essential part of your proposal. It gives your audience a brief overview of the project. Your audience will decide if this project is right for them. If they like the idea, they will review the method and the time period to determine if it is feasible to achieve the goals.

The abstract, in other words is your first chance to show the feasibility of your project. You must ensure that your abstract is well-written. Here are some tips for writing an abstract for your research proposal.

  • Briefly include a statement of your intended research or research question in no more than 100 words.
  • Briefly outline how your research is related and will benefit the department you are applying to.
  • Summarize the academic, social, cultural as well as political significance of your project.

You are required to give all the above information in 300 words. For a winning abstract, you should be as concise as possible.


The introduction to a research proposal provides context for the problem being considered. The introduction should provide a brief overview of your research process and summarise the current knowledge about the topic. The introduction should convey the importance of the project in a succinct manner. Ensure that you:

  • State the purpose of the study
  • Prove the significance of your research
  • Describe the main as well as sub-issues addressed by your research
  • Point out the key independent as well as the dependent variables
  • State your hypotheses
  • Define key concepts

Literature Review

Sometimes, you might be permitted to combine the literature review and the introduction. Writing it in a separate section will allow you to critically review all of the literature. Make sure you’re well-organized and cite relevant papers to write a great review. Avoid being redundant or repetitive and don’t rely too heavily on secondary sources.


This section explains to the committee how you intend to approach the problem of the research proposal. This section is where you can demonstrate your expertise by presenting both the main and alternative solutions to the problem.


You may not have any results at this stage. Proving your expertise is key to writing a compelling research project proposal. Show that you know what data you will collect after the project is completed. Include the discussion after the results section.

Create a research paper outline

Although the outline of a research paper may seem daunting, it can be a great help. You should already be familiar with the parts of a proposal so it shouldn’t be too difficult to write. The format will remain the same, but the draft will differ. A great outline is the recipe for a great project because it:

  • Allows you to categorize the main points appropriately
  • Make sure you can maximize each idea, so it is fully developed
  • Organize the paragraphs in a way that they flow into each other well as soon as you start writing

The outline is a guideline that helps you avoid getting stuck when you begin writing. The outline is like a map, guiding you to the right place for each point.

Research proposals are a crucial part of your candidature. Even if you haven’t been given one, it is important to learn how to create one. It is essential to understand what a research proposition is, how it works, and what each part does.

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